AUTOMOUS SOVEREIGN FREEDOM: Humans are born with an inherent wanted need to find their sense of purpose in our chaotic existence and thereby receive whatever form of benefits they have got coming. As living, breathing, and thinking creatures we need to deeply ponder both what our basic obligations are to each other daily, as well as clearly define what our responsibilities are in resolving the more profound complexities of life. The necessity of dealing with this basic life perspective brings us to engage the ‘moment of truth’ where we naturally accept an ongoing stewardship-orientated, self-disciplined thought process about ‘who we are,’ and ‘why are we here’. Human nature is inherently protective of its self-interest; fixated on anticipating each encounter's outcome. Our stated objective is to maintain maximum effectiveness; therefore, we need to define and refine our outlook as it is now, versus what should our purpose transform into.
2.2) AUTHENTIC-LIVES Premise: ‘Thereby, ‘Living well’ intentionally creates a productive and satisfying lifestyle built upon personal accountability and hard work. In addition, ‘Living well’ also involves taking upon ourselves the bold initiative to continuously seek out new levels of desired satisfaction, even at the risk of being wrong. In addition, this infrastructure provides a ‘‘Home Base’ for those who engage in the noble sense of shared duty to others.
2.3) AUTHENTIC-LIVES: Living Well: Herein lies the unique challenge to the evolving ‘Living-well’ premise. When we push past our established emotional parameters, our actions create the need to recalibrate our internal sense of psychological balance. We must maintain a circle of acknowledged trusted advisors, these are mature mentors who help us incrementally reshape our expanded reality into a new dynamic outlook. We must continue to stay true to our advisor-group accountability and hold in high esteem the established character that empowers us to enjoy an abundant, spiritually mature productive lifestyle. Each generation must carefully guard their involvement in developing this multifaceted critical cultural component to its proper position of respect
Restore the original intent of their sovereign culture
Restore the positive net result of layer after layer of cultural domestication,
Restore the collective common sense of bartering-forum commerce where compatible societal groups can freely exchange their views on current events.
2.4) AUTHENTIC-LIVES: First Responders: This is where we need to agree with some version of the classic coaching axiom that states: ‘Life-long success is not based on whether you win or lose each matchup, but rather more importantly about how you played the game.’ When our cultural environment is active and vibrant with energetic interaction, we all become naturally alert stimulated, mentally healthy, and ready to respond to our community in moments of meaningful need. Yet, when that same economic environment stagnates and begins to inch along anemically, we find a dying cesspool reeking with decay as the people are out of work and have too much idle time on their hands. Therefore, when there is work to be done, missions to be led, crops to plant and harvest, or mountains to be moved, transformative opportunities are revealed that arise out of the changing conditions. Watch closely for these situations as they tend to highly benefit those of us who are in the daily habit of seeking something productive and worthwhile to do. This determined process reveals within each individual the infused natural confidence, discerning insightfulness, and enduring hope-filled momentum that when combined, generates the bright spark of divine enthusiasm. As thoughtful humans, we all share a familiar physical presence, one that can host diverse emotional frameworks, hard-wired to seek collaborative interactions.
2.5) AUTHENTIC-LIVES: Freedom through Responsibility! This Mature-Mastery mentoring platform is an individually structured, community stewardship format from which anyone can virtually mentor others in the nature and nuance of living in this ever-changing world. These comprehensive mentoring platforms provide the intellectual guidance needed by each participant as they learn to maturely master their naturally-intuitive talents and skills. As each of us builds our foundation of confident character, we soon find ourselves drawn forward into establishing a set of habitual daily routines, ones that enable accountability to time-tested, proven disciplines and observational skills. To develop our character to its fullest potential, we must establish within ourselves the inner fortitude that reflects our core stubbornness to never give up our ‘people’ investments. When combined, they create an emotional 'wave" that will carry us forward in our endeavors. When there is work to be done, missions to be led, crops to plant and harvest, or mountains to be moved, find the project’s natural energy flow, then harness that energy to your purpose.
2.6) AUTHENTIC-LIVES: Freedom from Responsibility: What’s the point? Why are we here? What do you want? Is it any wonder that nearly every one of us is routinely surrounded by perpetually 'lost people" who want, as much as desperately need, a more meaningful life? Bear in mind, we are not simply referencing the hordes of destitute homeless people that roam our city streets in search of a safe space to sleep, for they need community help on many levels. These seemingly disengaged citizens appear determined to force unwanted changes on our traditional culture that could radically evolve into a bureaucracy-dominated faux-utopian society.: Herein lies the rub; typically, these uninspired people wish for a way to get life’s bounty bestowed upon them instead of sincerely asking for the practical tools to go to work with. Sadly, we are near the point where even the historically revered nature of our national independence (i.e., Liberty, Justice, and Freedom for All), is under relentless siege from within and without to mutate into an intrusive, and power-hungry centralized gatekeeper of wanton desires’
2.7) AUTHENTIC-LIVES: Conflict Resolution: When we want to show solidarity with another person's circumstances, we need to express our utmost confidence in that person's ability to accept the nature of any situation, no matter how hopeless it may appear. Now we are impactfully participating at the critical pivot point of life, where physical work creates the satisfaction that releases the natural endorphin therapy that enables us to reemerge more robust and reenergized. We exponentially create emotion-infused momentum by combining optimistic, efficient expertise with bold confidence and joyous effort. The resulting productivity effect simply overflows our traditional attitude's situational expectations, which by default (unless channeled otherwise) floods the surrounding community members with the restorative power of full-throttle willingness and steadfast belief. This optimistically infused momentum naturally creates stewardship-orientated, divinely-energizing, inalienable fundamental rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. These fundamental rights are endowed on every human being by the Divine Creator. We must stop the endless, mind-numbing "what are we going to do about it" worries and concerns until the job is done; preferring instead to side-step any undetermined judgments associated with our instinctive "willingness to act" rapid respond-ability until all the facts are accounted for
1.3) AUTHENTIC-MINDSET: Steward-leaders understand the need for role-modeling mentors that will wholeheartedly accept their obligation to demonstrate personal responsibility and accountability. They understand that without individual responsibility, social collapse becomes inevitable as nations, communities, and family structures unravel at their very core. Thankfully, personal responsibility is infectious, as humans are innately hard-wired to seek out the challenges of our lives, as well as psychologically driven to strive for better. This fundamental level of determination to improve our circumstances hums instinctively in our deepest thoughts, much like a furnace pilot light, we can suppress it or try to ignore it but is still there. Functioning at the involuntary level of our psyche, this primordial desire has dominated the perspectives and perceptions of every individual from every generation throughout the millenniums. There is no neutral ground regarding this human compulsion, as cultures continually regenerate the philosophies of their preceding populaces in the never-ending pursuit of everlasting nirvana, convinced that the resulting satisfaction will infinitely fill their souls.
1.4) AUTHENTIC-MINDSET: Context-Context-Context! Obviously, we are describing these issues in the broadest sense of the terms in an effort to establish a philosophical premise to this discussion. The question on the table is simply this, does imposed “greater good” accomplishments by our societies as a whole, filter down to satisfying, long-lasting fulfillment on the individual level? Does relegating the individual to playing a societal version of “follow the leader” constitute living a full and productive life? In other words, can a civilization based on compelling its citizens to "fall in line" to the “greater good,” be able to produce a vibrant, healthy society? If we achieved such a societal utopia, from where would the individual derive their internal drive to overcome obstacles, their inspiration to innovate solutions to challenges old and new, and their compassion for all fellow beings to realize true freedom.