FREEDOM-MINDED INDIVIDUALS thrive on an enhanced sense of shared responsibilities within an inherent cultural premise. Never take for granted the foundational value enshrined in the inalienable rights that constitute our liberty of thought and actions. They instinctively recognize the need for truth, honor, and a bold sense of shared duty while engaging in their inherent cultural stewardship responsibilities. When we couple our familiar, guarded temperament with the latitude of a grace-filled steadfast attitude, these natural law-based premises establish our happiness autonomy. Restoring each person’s sense of individualism and self-worth to their own eyes first is of paramount concern! This is a renewable, hope-inspired natural resource that empowers each of us to thoughtfully overcome our earthly struggles. Together we will awaken stronger in an ever-evolving, interdependent world where we serve as the standard-bearer of an unabashed joyous lifestyle that confidently advocates discovering Authentic, Abundant Joyfulness every day.
FREEDOM FROM RESPONSIBILITY: It is unfortunate that, along the way, far too many people became complacent with the world as it is and tried to force us into a society dominated by freedom from responsibility. They seem to prefer to believe that their current level of understanding is satisfactory, as they proceed to convince themselves that learning something new is generally just a lot of extra work. Herein lies the rub—far too many people are wishing for a way to get life’s bounty bestowed upon them, instead of asking for practical tools to go to work. Yet, when confronted by alternative opinions or well-documented experiences that may be in contrast to their comfort zone, they naturally default into mindless, knee-jerk reactionary mode and just reject it, having already decided to feel threatened and defensive. They know just enough to be dangerous, and they can’t be wrong! Still, they are unable to see the truth as it stands before them.
FREEDOM THROUGH RESPONSIBILITY: When we apply the personal responsibility aspect to the utopian concept and build our societies from the ground up, a radically different paradigm emerges. Governance for and by the people acknowledges the possibility of creating an orderly, organized society that allows and expects each individual to develop to their full potential—a society that effectively functions collectively while providing the latitude for each person to achieve life, liberty, and the pursuit of their own happiness. In this context, communal needs of social infrastructure are within the context of necessary utilities designed to provide a steady platform from which individual aspirations can launch. In other words, the bottom-up societal structure views the potential of the human spirit as the first and foremost responsibility that each individual must embrace, followed by willing participation in the civilized dance of cooperative existence. Move Forward!
IN CONTEXT: Obviously, we are describing these issues in the broadest sense to establish a philosophical basis for this discussion. The question on the table is simply this: Do imposed “greater good” accomplishments by our societies as a whole filter down to satisfying, long-lasting fulfillment on the individual level?
THE SHINING HOUSE ON A HILL: Upon the horizon stands an enduring beacon of hope, forever vigilant and steadfast, ready to defend our God-given freedoms against any form of tyranny. Now is the time for us to champion this venerable symbol of hope so that people from the world over can look up for courage inspired by a love for freedom and a willingness to inspire. The entire world needs strong, identifiable social symbols that represent the innate advantages of living a grace-filled lifestyle that seeks to bring out the best in all things kind, decent, and virtuous in our daily walk. This teamwork vision aims to equally serve everyone's basic needs by establishing a fundamental 'hope-filled' mental safe haven that provides cultural security enabling the national economy to be audaciously driven by independent market forces. As we eagerly await opportunities for stewardship, we can anchor our efforts to hopefulness and prepare to stand our ground wisely.
THE SLEEPING-BEAR NATION: Our collective strength and determined courage are urgently needed as the hour is now upon us to defend our constitutionally enshrined freedoms by awakening our great sleeping-bear nation from long-errant slumber. Instinctively, we all know that "the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to stand by and do nothing." Therefore, we must consistently train our daily habits accordingly! Additionally, we must consistently remind each other that every single experience we encounter creates knowledge-based insight, allowing our actions to be wisely guided and accordingly productive. This transformational process creates optimistically infused momentum, strengthening the confident impact brought forth in defense of our inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness!
Does relegating the individual to playing a societal version of “follow the leader” constitute living a full and productive life? In other words, can a civilization based on compelling its citizens to "fall in line" to the “greater good” be able to produce a vibrant, healthy society? If we achieve such a societal utopia, from where would the individual derive their internal drive to overcome obstacles, their inspiration to innovate solutions to challenges old and new, and their compassion for all fellow beings to realize true freedom?
FREEDOM: LEAD, FOLLOW, OR GET OUT OF THE WAY: Every day, a new crisis tries to seduce us to sit and wait needlessly for someone else to be the first to do something significant that can reverse this seemingly inevitable trend of cultural decline. The bottom-line answer reflects the reality that, as the rise of the me-generation and its selfie-culture minions goes, so goes the future of our historically revered, self-reliant culture as we have known it. Therefore, by default, we behold the inevitable destructive decay caused by unaware and thus unfulfilled, selfish-minded, perpetual adolescents with far too much time on their hands. This reality check is so simple that it goes right past most of us as we typically just dismiss it as a byproduct of lesser importance created through our procrastination and laziness.
AUTHENTICALLY ABUNDANT JOYFULNESS: Come with us as we spread the word about a renewable, hope-inspired natural resource that empowers all individuals to thoughtfully overcome earthly struggles. This Handbook guides us through an in-depth, personal responsibility thought process regarding how to effectively help develop mature stewardship from which we ultimately unify as a like-minded group. This in-depth, personal responsibility thought process requires how to help develop mature stewardship from which we view this world around us, and then ultimately unify us together as a like-minded group, Here the objective is to bring to the surface the best options that will make something or some process more effective or efficient and thereby benefit both the combination of pieces and the broader structure (person) as a whole. This transformational process creates optimistically infused momentum, which naturally supports our stewardship-oriented, divinely energizing, inalienable fundamental rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. One where the ultimate objective is to bring to the surface the best options that will make something or some process more effective or efficient and thereby benefit both the combination of pieces and the broader structure (person) as a whole. This transformational process creates optimistically infused momentum, which naturally supports our stewardship-oriented, divinely energizing, inalienable fundamental rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. When given a choice, freedom-minded people accept their shared responsibilities and thrive on an enhanced sense of cooperative duty as they embrace their inherent cultural premise, sustainably maintained as a shared responsibility of ordinary individuals acting of their own free sovereign will. This Handbook guides us through an in-depth, personal responsibility thought process regarding how to help develop mature stewardship from which we view this world around us and then ultimately unify us together as a like-minded group. One where the ultimate objective is to bring to the surface the best options that will make something or some process more effective or efficient and thereby benefit both the combination of pieces and the broader structure (person) as a whole. This transformational process creates optimistically infused momentum, which naturally supports our stewardship-oriented, divinely energizing, inalienable fundamental rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Everything we do and everywhere we go, we find discernment opportunities dressed up as learning events, where we can creatively discover Authentic, Abundant Joy very day. FREEDOM-FOCUSED: This Handbook guides us through an in-depth, personal responsibility thought process regarding how to develop mature stewardship. Focusing on the unique specifics of our particular vantage point, we view the world around us and ultimately unify together as a like-minded group. The ultimate objective is to bring to the surface the best options that will make something or some process more effective or efficient, thereby benefiting both the combination of pieces and the broader structure (person) as a whole. This transformational process creates optimistically infused momentum, naturally supporting our stewardship-oriented, divinely energizing, inalienable fundamental rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Everything we do and everywhere we go, we find discernment opportunities dressed up as learning events, where we can creatively discover Authentic, Abundant joy every day. THE SHINING HOUSE ON A HILL: Upon the horizon stands an enduring beacon of hope, forever vigilant and steadfast, ready to defend our God-given freedoms against any form of tyranny. Now is the time for us to champion this venerable symbol of hope, so that people from the world over can look up for courage inspired by a love for freedom and a willingness to inspire. The entire world needs strong, identifiable social symbols that represent the innate advantages of living a grace-filled lifestyle that seeks to bring out the best in all things kind, decent, and virtuous in our daily walk. This teamwork vision aims to equally serve everyone's basic needs by establishing a fundamental 'hope-filled' mental safe haven that provides cultural security enabling the national economy to be audaciously driven by independent market forces. As we eagerly await opportunities for stewardship, we can anchor our efforts to hopefulness and prepare to stand our ground wisely. THE SLEEPING-BEAR NATION: Our collective strength and determined courage are urgently needed as the hour is now upon us to defend our constitutionally enshrined freedoms by awakening our great sleeping-bear nation from long-errant slumber. Instinctively, we all know that "the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to stand by and do nothing." Therefore, we must consistently train our daily habits accordingly! Additionally, we must consistently remind each other that every single experience we encounter creates knowledge-based insight, allowing our actions to be wisely guided and accordingly productive. This transformational process creates optimistically infused momentum, strengthening the confident impact brought forth in defense of our inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness! FREEDOM-MINDED INDIVIDUALS thrive on an enhanced sense of shared responsibilities within an inherent cultural premise. Never take for granted the foundational value enshrined in the inalienable rights that constitute our liberty of thought and actions. They instinctively recognize the need for truth, honor, and a bold sense of shared duty while engaging in their inherent cultural stewardship responsibilities. When we couple our familiar, guarded temperament with the latitude of a grace-filled steadfast attitude, these natural law-based premises establish our happiness autonomy. Restoring each person’s sense of individualism and self-worth to their own eyes first is of paramount concern! This is a renewable, hope-inspired natural resource that empowers each of us to thoughtfully overcome our earthly struggles. Together we will awaken stronger in an ever-evolving, interdependent world where we serve as the standard-bearer of an unabashed joyous lifestyle that confidently advocates discovering Authentic, Abundant Joyfulness every day. FREEDOM FROM RESPONSIBILITY: It is unfortunate that, along the way, far too many people became complacent with the world as it is and tried to force us into a society dominated by freedom from responsibility. They seem to prefer to believe that their current level of understanding is satisfactory, as they proceed to convince themselves that learning something new is generally just a lot of extra work. Herein lies the rub—far too many people are wishing for a way to get life’s bounty bestowed upon them, instead of asking for practical tools to go to work. Yet, when confronted by alternative opinions or well-documented experiences that may be in contrast to their comfort zone, they naturally default into mindless, knee-jerk reactionary mode and just reject it, having already decided to feel threatened and defensive. They know just enough to be dangerous, and they can’t be wrong! Still, they are unable to see the truth as it stands before them. FREEDOM THROUGH RESPONSIBILITY: When we apply the personal responsibility aspect to the utopian concept and build our societies from the ground up, a radically different paradigm emerges. Governance for and by the people acknowledges the possibility of creating an orderly, organized society that allows and expects each individual to develop to their full potential—a society that effectively functions collectively while providing the latitude for each person to achieve life, liberty, and the pursuit of their own happiness. In this context, communal needs of social infrastructure are within the context of necessary utilities designed to provide a steady platform from which individual aspirations can launch. In other words, the bottom-up societal structure views the potential of the human spirit as the first and foremost responsibility that each individual must embrace, followed by willing participation in the civilized dance of cooperative existence. Move Forward! FREEDOM IN CONTEXT: Obviously, we are describing these issues in the broadest sense to establish a philosophical basis for this discussion. The question on the table is simply this: Do imposed “greater good” accomplishments by our societies as a whole filter down to satisfying, long-lasting fulfillment on the individual level? Does relegating the individual to playing a societal version of “follow the leader” constitute living a full and productive life? In other words, can a civilization based on compelling its citizens to "fall in line" to the “greater good” be able to produce a vibrant, healthy society? If we achieve such a societal utopia, from where would the individual derive their internal drive to overcome obstacles, their inspiration to innovate solutions to challenges old and new, and their compassion for all fellow beings to realize true freedom? FREEDOM: LEAD, FOLLOW, OR GET OUT OF THE WAY: Every day, a new crisis tries to seduce us to sit and wait needlessly for someone else to be the first to do something significant that can reverse this seemingly inevitable trend of cultural decline. The bottom-line answer reflects the reality that, as the rise of the me-generation and its selfie-culture minions goes, so goes the future of our historically revered, self-reliant culture as we have known it. Therefore, by default, we behold the inevitable destructive decay caused by unaware and thus unfulfilled, selfish-minded, perpetual adolescents with far too much time on their hands. This reality check is so simple that it goes right past most of us as we typically just dismiss it as a byproduct of lesser importance created through our own procrastination and laziness. Stewardship Candidates are typically open-minded, determined individuals who are willing to take any necessary effective action accordingly, provided that someone trustworthy will point them in the right direction. Primarily, they want to live their lives governed by straightforward principles that embody simple, concise, and insightful common sense answers, ones that resolutely reflect the sovereign liberty that all good people prefer, desire, and willingly pursue. What they each want is right before their eyes; they just need to know what to determinedly look for and how to effectively follow through on what they find. This fundamental mentoring process commonly develops each person instinctively; which over time results in more of a subconscious acceptance of ingrained cultural expectations made from everyday habits and social norms, as opposed to a semi-cognitive social reaction, made arbitrarily after first impressions of their new surroundings Essentially, any thoughtful, willing-to-learn individuals; specifically the ones that... Recognize their own skills and talents, which can be custom-tailored into a satisfying lifestyle, Engage their own creative challenges, thereby routinely rejuvenating productive enthusiasm, Create their own growth platform that facilitates measurement of progress (or decline). Action-Packed: This program provides an individually structured, self-mastery stewardship platform from which each person can learn to Virtually-Mentor™ one another in the nature and nuance of living in this world. Never forget that the word FAITH is meant to be a verb (action word); when in doubt, move forward and boldly take action! When we are optimistically teamed together and clearly focused on genuine written-down goals, ones that benefit both ourselves and others, then the multiplicative nature of Divine Faith releases our spirit to Discover Authentically Abundant Joyfulness, every day! Move Forward!
BOTTOM-LINE: The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy! - Martin Luther King J EVERYONE IS A LEADER, to someone, somewhere in time! Fundamental to all manner of inherent human behavior is the core realization that we all need (as much as want), personal recognition regularly to feel alive, valued, and worthwhile. Over time and experience, this primordial need drives the instinctive formation of each person's unique emotional baseline, thereby creating the natural harness point with which to transform our internal gratification desires into a dependable source of mature motivation and overall 'life-progress" accountability. Furthermore, when we as a culture boldly combine these solid principles with the integral strength of habitual optimism the resulting productivity simply overflows our traditional situational expectations, flooding the surrounding community with the restorative power of intentional belief. DEVELOPING OUR DRIVE: Motivation, Momentum, and Maturity are people skills that naturally develop throughout each individual's entire lifetime; the qualities and usefulness of these attributes are only limited by our willingness to engage in diverse learning experiences, specifically the kind that challenges them to grow their unique perception of themselves. Those who possess natural curiosity, inherent talent, and thoughtful willingness, must accept a personal-growth-based education point in their life; specifically, the ones that suppress life's natural optimistic exuberance cloud the luscious mind. WISE PERSPECTIVE: We need to define the daily actions that enable us to share time-tested common values effectively. When willingly combined with rock-solid integrity and a visionary outlook on life, the process helps create the common foundation of all personal wisdom and accomplishment. Fundamental social self-awareness (living in the present) combined with an insightful mental narrative has evolved over many generations into the primary cultural cornerstones of empathetic truth. Thereby, we can establish the effective benefits of self-mastery in all forms of fundamental discernment. INSTINCTIVE AWARENESS: Nobody can expect to joyously succeed in life if they can’t optimistically dream of a better, brighter tomorrow. This is specifically true when their core routine daily expectations (cultural lifestyle) are essentially consumed by the necessities of maintaining one’s basic survival. The entire world needs strong, identifiable social symbols that represent the joyful advantages of living a grace-filled lifestyle. We eagerly await such opportunities for dutiful stewardship and wise governance, especially the ones that call for us to seek all things kind, decent, and virtuous in our daily walk. These ideas form the civilized intellectual benchmarks that anchor our perception of our environment to our realized identity. MENTAL NARRATIVE: The fundamental discussion framework that identifies how we undeniably become what we routinely think about, and what we steadfastly believe determines how we live our lives. Through this paradigm, we become driven to create the world around us and acknowledge their contributions to our daily 'Pursuit of Happiness.’ This bold effort represents the inherent hunger to live one's life through the examples of a commitment-orientated, responsive lifestyle. STRATEGIC UNDERSTANDING: As fair-minded individuals, we tend to see ourselves within the context of talented people who respond to life's challenges. However, it is the repetitious process of self-measurement that provides the comprehensive, firsthand knowledge and experience that we need to naturally evolve our instinctive sense of direction into a guiding force. Each day, our accumulated actions determine what we will eventually become by compounding what we think about which guides us to benefit from what we willingly take action on! EFFECTIVE LEARNING: When we want to show solidarity with another person's circumstances, we need to do so by expressing our utmost confidence in that person's ability to accept the nature of any situation, no matter how hopeless it may appear. This training format is strategically designed to empower each participant's sense of functional liberty and affirm their sovereign natural rights. audaciously advocate for their willingness to decisively discern their choice of diligently to develop control over basic daily life habits, specifically the ones that generate access to Authentically Abundant, Joyfulness every day! Bottom-line: We exponentially create emotion-infused momentum by boldly combining optimistic, efficient expertise with confidence and joyous effort. The resulting productivity quite overflows our expectations of full-throttle willingness and faithful belief, enabling us to saddle up and boldly ride to the collective benefit of others first. This optimistically infused momentum naturally stewardship-orientated, divinely-energizing, inalienable fundamental rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; as endowed upon every human being by the Divine Creator.
AUTHENTICALLY ABUNDANT JOYFULNESS: Come join us as we spread the word about a renewable, hope-inspired natural resource that empowers all individuals to thoughtfully overcome earthly struggles. This Handbook guides us through an in-depth, personal responsibility thought process regarding how to effectively help develop mature stewardship from which we ultimately unify us together as a like-minded group. This in-depth, personal responsibility thought process requires how to help develop mature stewardship from which we view this world around us, and then ultimately unify us together as a like-minded group, Here the objective is to bring to the surface the best options that will make something or some process more effective or efficient and thereby benefit both the combination of pieces and the broader structure (person) as a whole. This transformational process creates optimistically infused momentum, which naturally supports our stewardship-oriented, divinely energizing, inalienable fundamental rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.One where the ultimate objective is to bring to the surface the best options that will make something or some process more effective or efficient and thereby benefit both the combination of pieces and the broader structure (person) as a whole. This transformational process creates optimistically infused momentum, which naturally supports our stewardship-oriented, divinely energizing, inalienable fundamental rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.given a choice, freedom-minded people accept their shared responsibilities and thrive on an enhanced sense of cooperative duty as they embrace their inherent cultural premise, sustainably maintained as a shared responsibility of ordinary individuals acting of their own free sovereign will.This Handbook guides us through an in-depth, personal responsibility thought process regarding how to help develop mature stewardship from which we view this world around us and then ultimately unify us together as a like-minded group. One where the ultimate objective is to bring to the surface the best options that will make something or some process more effective or efficient and thereby benefit both the combination of pieces and the broader structure (person) as a whole. This transformational process creates optimistically infused momentum, which naturally supports our stewardship-oriented, divinely energizing, inalienable fundamental rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Everything we do and everywhere we go, we find discernment opportunities dressed up as learning events, where we can creatively discover Authentic, Abundant Joy very day.
FREEDOM-FOCUSED: This Handbook guides us through an in-depth, personal responsibility thought process regarding how to develop mature stewardship. Focusing on the unique specifics of our particular vantage point, we view the world around us and ultimately unify together as a like-minded group. The ultimate objective is to bring to the surface the best options that will make something or some process more effective or efficient, thereby benefiting both the combination of pieces and the broader structure (person) as a whole. This transformational process creates optimistically infused momentum, naturally supporting our stewardship-oriented, divinely energizing, inalienable fundamental rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Everything we do and everywhere we go, we find discernment opportunities dressed up as learning events, where we can creatively discover Authentic, Abundant joy every day.
THE SHINING HOUSE ON A HILL: Upon the horizon stands an enduring beacon of hope, forever vigilant and steadfast, ready to defend our God-given freedoms against any form of tyranny. Now is the time for us to champion this venerable symbol of hope, so that people from the world over can look up for courage inspired by a love for freedom and a willingness to inspire. The entire world needs strong, identifiable social symbols that represent the innate advantages of living a grace-filled lifestyle that seeks to bring out the best in all things kind, decent, and virtuous in our daily walk. This teamwork vision aims to equally serve everyone's basic needs by establishing a fundamental 'hope-filled' mental safe haven that provides cultural security enabling the national economy to be audaciously driven by independent market forces. As we eagerly await opportunities for stewardship, we can anchor our efforts to hopefulness and prepare to stand our ground wisely.
THE SLEEPING-BEAR NATION: Our collective strength and determined courage are urgently needed as the hour is now upon us to defend our constitutionally enshrined freedoms by awakening our great sleeping-bear nation from long-errant slumber. Instinctively, we all know that "the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to stand by and do nothing." Therefore, we must consistently train our daily habits accordingly! Additionally, we must consistently remind each other that every single experience we encounter creates knowledge-based insight, allowing our actions to be wisely guided and accordingly productive. This transformational process creates optimistically infused momentum, strengthening the confident impact brought forth in defense of our inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness!
FREEDOM-MINDED INDIVIDUALS thrive on an enhanced sense of shared responsibilities within an inherent cultural premise. Never take for granted the foundational value enshrined in the inalienable rights that constitute our liberty of thought and actions. They instinctively recognize the need for truth, honor, and a bold sense of shared duty while engaging in their inherent cultural stewardship responsibilities. When we couple our familiar, guarded temperament with the latitude of a grace-filled steadfast attitude, these natural law-based premises establish our happiness autonomy. Restoring each person’s sense of individualism and self-worth to their own eyes first is of paramount concern! This is a renewable, hope-inspired natural resource that empowers each of us to thoughtfully overcome our earthly struggles. Together we will awaken stronger in an ever-evolving, interdependent world where we serve as the standard-bearer of an unabashed joyous lifestyle that confidently advocates discovering Authentic, Abundant Joyfulness every day.
FREEDOM FROM RESPONSIBILITY: It is unfortunate that, along the way, far too many people became complacent with the world as it is and tried to force us into a society dominated by freedom from responsibility. They seem to prefer to believe that their current level of understanding is satisfactory, as they proceed to convince themselves that learning something new is generally just a lot of extra work. Herein lies the rub—far too many people are wishing for a way to get life’s bounty bestowed upon them, instead of asking for practical tools to go to work. Yet, when confronted by alternative opinions or well-documented experiences that may be in contrast to their comfort zone, they naturally default into mindless, knee-jerk reactionary mode and just reject it, having already decided to feel threatened and defensive. They know just enough to be dangerous, and they can’t be wrong! Still, they are unable to see the truth as it stands before them.
FREEDOM THROUGH RESPONSIBILITY: When we apply the personal responsibility aspect to the utopian concept and build our societies from the ground up, a radically different paradigm emerges. Governance for and by the people acknowledges the possibility of creating an orderly, organized society that allows and expects each individual to develop to their full potential—a society that effectively functions collectively while providing the latitude for each person to achieve life, liberty, and the pursuit of their own happiness. In this context, communal needs of social infrastructure are within the context of necessary utilities designed to provide a steady platform from which individual aspirations can launch. In other words, the bottom-up societal structure views the potential of the human spirit as the first and foremost responsibility that each individual must embrace, followed by willing participation in the civilized dance of cooperative existence. Move Forward!
FREEDOM IN CONTEXT: Obviously, we are describing these issues in the broadest sense to establish a philosophical basis for this discussion. The question on the table is simply this: Do imposed “greater good” accomplishments by our societies as a whole filter down to satisfying, long-lasting fulfillment on the individual level? Does relegating the individual to playing a societal version of “follow the leader” constitute living a full and productive life? In other words, can a civilization based on compelling its citizens to "fall in line" to the “greater good” be able to produce a vibrant, healthy society? If we achieve such a societal utopia, from where would the individual derive their internal drive to overcome obstacles, their inspiration to innovate solutions to challenges old and new, and their compassion for all fellow beings to realize true freedom?
LEAD, FOLLOW, OR GET OUT OF THE WAY: Every day, a new crisis tries to seduce us to sit and wait needlessly for someone else to be the first to do something significant that can reverse this seemingly inevitable trend of cultural decline. The bottom-line answer reflects the reality that, as the rise of the me-generation and its selfie-culture minions goes, so goes the future of our historically revered, self-reliant culture as we have known it. Therefore, by default, we behold the inevitable destructive decay caused by unaware and thus unfulfilled, selfish-minded, perpetual adolescents with far too much time on their hands. This reality check is so simple that it goes right past most of us as we typically just dismiss it as a byproduct of lesser importance created through our own procrastination and laziness.