Hereby at its core intuitive nature, our shared common-sense functions as our guide while these questions provide the mental gymnastics for sincere case review exercises where our participation serves as a form of intellect-dedicated sub-processor; constantly drawing from our physical senses to gather all types of ancillary information while monitoring our internal physical barometer. You can learn how to:
- Effectively stand your ground and anchor your efforts to hopefulness, and train yourself to think and act wisely in all things.
- Eagerly await the inevitable opportunities for humble stewardship that come with the infinite ramifications of every decision we make.
- Accept the self-evident realization that we must accept that life requires us to develop effective decision-making skills to counteract the relentlessly changing demands of the world around us.
- Discernment resolution system continuously sorts-filter-files all of that incoming information, and then consistently blends it back all together to extrapolate the basis of our gut-feeling
Grace-filled Justice (Law & Order) focuses on the needs of an evolving, interdependent world where we confidently advocate for Sustainable Stewardship focused cultural debate. We must take every opportunity to restore our local communities to their intended role as our front line of political corruption defense, a societal bulwark if you will, where they can serve as our defensive frontlines in the global cultural debate. Local Community stewardship-style fair and balanced justice focused on limited restrictions, we get to utilize every tool in the box, coupled with expert help from the best professionals in the business. Each participant agrees to fully declare their willing intention to work through the disputed issues to assure that we arbitrate the correct answers, and not just an answer; which will do more long-term good for our communities than just winning repeating pointless arguments. In addition, when coupled with our instinctive need to create meaningfulness in all of our lives, these discernment protocols will lead us to the critical goals that we can adopt now to replace the structural decline and lack of moral stewardship.
19.3) TRI-FUSION WILLINGNESS: United Efforts:
Now, we must pull together in civic-minded unity to wisely train our core habits to reflect our innate confidence and accordingly, ones that produce self-confident individual character and empower individuals to discover their Authentically Abundant Joyful-ness every day! identifies fundamental human behavior. For instance, if you knew that you had the complete, sovereign freedom over your life to choose anything that you could think to want, what would t be? This doesn't need to be a complicated or hard question to answer. Anything and everything are on the table to choose from, the only requirement is that you are willingly prepared and committed to accept the follow-through work involved in exercising good stewardship care of what you own. We are not talking about mere lip-service compensation for an uninspired existence, rather this mindset leads us to the fullness of our God-given potential. This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!"
Enable us to interact freely as family and friends commonly within their local neighborhood utilizing the secure-access interaction of a Virtual-community! Now, stand your ground, anchor your efforts to hopefulness, and prepare yourself to think and act wisely as we eagerly await the inevitable opportunities for humble stewardship. Assuming that we can come to terms with the reality of the infinite ramifications associated with every decision we make, it becomes self-evident that we understand that life requires us to develop effective decision-making skills to counteract the relentlessly changing demands of the world around us.
Now be ready, every one of us has met, or received a visit from the skeptical, nay-sayers pantyhose people who act out on their own with the intent to control the world as we know it. They have taken an internal consensus and determined that this question is just meant to be nothing more than one more mysterious brain teaser puzzle game. You know, the type of riddle that people debate until the wee hours of the morning over coffee and pie. However, at its core intuitive nature, our shared common-sense functions as our guide while these questions provide the mental gymnastics for a sincere case review. This discernment resolution system sorts all of that incoming information, and then consistently blends it back together to extrapolate our ‘gut feeling.’
19.6) TRI-FUSION: Intellectual Guidance:
We need to establish a more universal philosophical template for mentoring discussions and mental narrative retooling. This vital learning process requires the tri-fusion of logical intellectual reasoning, combined with the discerning interpretation of diverse events, and the healthy respect for mutually beneficial moral character. The combined value of these critical-thinking skills creates an abundant flow of di-vine momentum, with which we can all effectively strengthen our instinctive awareness of the internal workings of the entire system. Our participation serves as a form of intellect-dedicated sub-processor; constantly drawing from our physical senses to gather all types of bits and pieces of ancillary information from the world around us while monitoring our internal physical barometer
19.7) TRI-FUSION: Sustainability:
Where do we go from here? When we commit to living our lives authentically, we all benefit from the grace-filled ef-forts of others; for each participant’s decisive willingness exponentially strengthens when the core premise is stewardship-orientated liberty and justice for all. This program establishes a personal-growth-based, professional mentor-led education process designed to guide participants through how to successfully identify and absorb the optimistic moments as well as wholeheartedly avoid pessimistic thinking